10,11,12,13 M-Th
17,18,19,20 M-Th
24,25,26,27 M-Th
1,2,3 M-W
8,9,10,11 M-Th
15,16,17,18 M-TH
Canlan Barrington: 8-9:30 am
Ackerman Park Outside Turf Field:
Calan Libertyville: 7-8:30 pm
*There must be 30 athletes registered at a site to guarantee location.
*Once you are signed up for a location, you may attend ANY location including multiple sites per day
COST: $535
$535-You can come to all 23 sessions at all the locations. It’s flexible to fit your schedule.
*If injury arrives and you do not complete 10 sessions, you may carry them over through November 1st.
Single day sessions $75/per day